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A member registered Dec 01, 2020

Recent community posts

k thx. Keep up the boss work. I can't wait for the Keramon line to be added to the game. But take your time of course 

I encountered a battle against marinangemon but the event didn't occur, does it work for Seadramon encounter?

I kind of wish you could freeze your digimon, you know so they don't age, get hungry, get tired, but they can't do anything. cuz it gets kind of flustering having to manage a lot of digimon once you get them


Selfish question: do you plan on adding the Keramon line to the game? that would be boss. also I feel like there should be some tweaks done for the training mini games, especially HP and strength, both are a little bit finnicky in my opinion at least

I can't seem to click the link for the a android version update.

Is there a counter for how many free battles ya have done? If not that should be added in my opinion... Sorry if my comment seems rude somehow, it middle of night and I can't sleep so brain be the derps